Thursday, October 18, 2018

Do you want to make a cartoon or comic of your own?

Hey, kids!

You all like reading comics and cartoons but some of you might want to create one of your own. You can take your pencil and start making one or you can make it online with the help of these tools.

Make Beliefs Comix
How to use it:
* You can build a comic story of up to 9 panels. You add panels by clicking (+). You delete panels by clicking (-)
**You can create comics on your computer, your iPad and your smart phone.

  • Use the blue scroller bar in the Characters’ screen to choose a character. Click on the character you like
  • There are 4 different versions of the same character. Select the one you like 
  • Place a talk or thought balloon by clicking on Balloons and choose the size you wish. Use the scroll bar to see the sizes available
  • Do the same for Objects, Words and Backgrounds

Watch my video tutorial for more help and let the fun begin!

Comic strip maker
Choose a background, your character(s), the objects that you like, add word balloons, then download your comic! You can make as many panels as you like but the best option is 3 or 6 or 9 etc. Watch my video tutorial for more!